
the parent's want best for their kids and often conserving this idea they make decisions for their kids on anything and anyway possible from brink of their diet, interest and personality as some kind of portfolio developing process. In most of these cases when the kids haven't developed deductive skills to them through a skillful observance, that's to be sharpened by years of life experiences and knowledge which naturally can't be taught or learnt instantly as some plot line of a story but experienced, fought and finding possible solution to solve it which requires thought and time expense. These habit in parents of taking the guiding wheel on deciding everything for kids takes an obsessive role for they expect their investment in kids as some business where as much as they feed they'll get equivalent outcome one way or the other. For they don't get results as expected the situation often takes turn in pressurizing the kids and stressing then to the responsibility they are meant to fulfill to satisfy the parents desires. This then takes toll on kids as they have not been given the space of free growth hence effecting their capabilities when they are at the age when they're expected to be fully rationally grown individuals capable of making decision, where these decisions hold the weight of responsibility. Unlike childish whims of changing what we want to be, because It's just childish whim and changing it doesn't have significant effect to your or anybodies life. Thus the act started for the best starts poisoning the kid and shadowing the natural insight. As the possible development which is possible due to freedom he's given to face hardships, restrictions or failure but all with common baseline for which he made the decision and either way he is responsible for it is destroyed. The basic of engineering course has made me realize although the final answers are predetermined but there are multiple way of getting to it and for there is no criteria to justify either of the way taken to be right or wrong. And what the revolutionary discoveries all have in common is that they are product of countless revision of failures. Avoiding kids exposure to problems is cutting his cocoon artificially. In metamorphosis the most essential state is it's last stage, when although painful to live in harsher world in vast world outside the protective but cramped of small cocoon of it's and live as the butterfly it has to break through this safe, restricting and harmful cocoon. If he can't break out of it himself he'll not survive in nature which is governed by the survival of the fittest rule with no exception. But when he does break out bearing the last stage of pain after the long period of metamorphosis he is able to beautifully fly and live freely.



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