Active recalling

Go on a car movie date and your car gets hijacked and then somehow on the way to kidnapping suddenly you're watching a different girl, who has Stockholm syndrome to the kidnapper. The initial couple vanishes into thin air. The next scene is again a pov of getting dropped off at a school. Some kind of programme is going on and everyone is dressed. When thought about it again, it seems to be that time again. The one mixed of events and characters, somehow remember vividly as a bright sunny day is exaggerated fashion. Those people who were judged as the loved, were specially searched for again. The search for the loved ones was unfolded as naturally as if it's some kind of planned storyline of which their search was an important plot climax that was orderly arranged. And then the uni life suddenly started playing. Compliments from teacher and books and creatures and things. Also there's always a guy who makes move that is misunderstood by me for I'm a sucker for attention. And I have those certain cliche obstacles which becomes more or less a type of catalyst for enhancing the story faster. Signifying I need to wake up soon too. Although the essential storyline starts crumbling as the motive to begin was little rational and totally controlled by subconscious recalling which is somewhat important to retain memories.

Conclusion: Dreams are the experimental proof of how effective active recalling and space retention is to human.


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