Freedom, once the precious thing we fought for, that's now taken for granted

Although there are no arguments on the concept of freedom, sovereignty and individual human rights on the present we live in. But on the orwellian world created with no freedom of thoughts and expression as in dystopian social fiction epic 1984, the orthodoxy and acceptance of it into reality of which people turns themselves numb to thought as it becomes a act of treason, drawing in the idea in minds of people how war is the peace and the continuous fabrication of glory of totalitarian B.B. is just so where the documents of past and present all are altered continuously leaving almost no trace of truth. 

Also the part where Orwell writes of a language, Newspeak for Oceania, which is the only language in the world whose vocabulary decrease with every edition, as the very work of the editors of the dictionary is to destroy the words. The implementation of such language which describes so small and concrete vocabulary which is insufficient to describe one's emotion that will make you incapable of thought and expression. Just so no matter what one feels he can't express and at the end as the thought itself being inexpressible he is helpless and left with no option but to follow the totalitarian system. What a horrific dystopia.


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