dream identification

Random places in our dreams that doesn't make sense when recalled after we wake up are often really meaningless as we feel they are. Among the cycle of sleep light, deep and rem sleep, in the last stage of rem sleep we often try to reconnect the information with ones we already know or ones that don't make made sense as by nature we have tendency to try and make sense of about everything although most of the time due to lack of knowledge and reference resources it's assumptions and biased ideas. But it is a type of a vice we learn that how if content of the matter we think about is not of any kind of resourcefulness in activity of value for you through deductible to comprehensions than it's okay to stop arguing it's solution for when you require it and you'll have enough knowledge you'll be able to decipher it.

There are many things that can't be gained just because we force to achieve it but doesn't mean no efforts to meet that goal is fruitless. Any effort to achieve something irrespective of gain is commendable and the process of that endeavor is the gift.


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