If you believe that something is there, than it exists; and if you don't believe that it exists, than it doesn't

It's very natural that based on the minute amount of knowledge we carry our idea to comprehend something is merely limited to that spectrum which will merely satisfy the whole limit the actual summary of that can be. Although that whole in itself is somewhat uncertain. Thus we can understand from it that on daily day activities there are many things we judge on the just how we want to perceive it without considering possibility of actual fact backing it up, for simple explanation of being something that is from a vantage point. 

Though it's not completely wrong is any sense either as the way we perceive any idea is individual quality unique to us that based on the thoughts that we have groomed based on the ideas about various things over time. Withholding all the prejudice and stereotype that we can't totally reject, but while staying in between people you rather somewhat end up being brainwashed so hold yourself subconsciously under those barriers one way other.

Being within the condition that you don't disturb and harm others any personal fetish and things that you do which makes you happy and is fun doing is ok. Unless it harms you and is somehow negatively effecting your mind, there is no immediate need for suppressing and avoiding it. If it uplifts your mood and you can use it to control and direct you state of mind in more positive and calm state it's ok to continue. Just based on what other think about it and rejecting doing it is not healthy. As no one but you must be responsible for thoughts you think of and decisions you take up on.

Thus, the things we like is totally unrelated matter far from the opinion of others. The excuses we give avoiding it and blaming others for their judgement is our fault of lack of confidence in our judgement.


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