Grant Wood's subtle satirical humors and outsight created "AMERICAN GOTHIC"
The technical complexity which is discussed about for it's prestige of historically recognized and comprehended work, it's not only because of it's exceptionally great art work only but because it was able to use the one of the very effective human emotion to feel competitive. The stubborn ideas while a certain person support a certain perspective based on various persona or environment the feel such thought to decipher certain strong disposition that the strongly defend as they being a part of their principle to which losing can't be an option. Beyond the three-tined pitchforks with couple with numb expression with hint of similarity with JAN VAN EYCK - "Alrnolfini portrait" 's couple, it brought such debate as between the American between city and country; where the former called the painting as booboisie (boob+bourgeoisie) as an slander while the latter felt it to be authentic americans.
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